ISP Enablement

Address the increasing demand for content from

your clients with a quick-to-market ISP solution.

Speak with a specialist

Toll-Free numbers are an established gateway for businesses in communicating with their clients regardless of where they are located. However, an increasing number of clients are looking at communicating via text with companies and prefer receiving SMS confirmations.

Iristel’s toll-free messaging service is a simple and comprehensive solution to power as many texts as you want to send. Our network instantly scales to handle high-volume messaging exchanges to meet your needs. Set the course for an improved customer experience with a scalable toll-free SMS/MMS solution, all while continuing to use the number you already have.

Our packages at a glance:

Our packages offer great value with essentials, including standard modem rentals & installation at market rates.

You’ll also get a host of benefits:

  • Straightforward wholesale pricing so there are no added monthly costs or hidden fees.

  • Several plan options for a comprehensive go-to-market strategy.

  • A dedicated team of experts who understand your business.

  • A seamless address checking and ordering process.

  • BYOD – to enable your team to work with what they know.

  • Level 2 Technical Support available for your Level 1 team.

  • Fast signup process with no upfront fees.

Canada’s largest CLEC has your back.

Let’s discuss a brighter future! 

Is your phone number portable?

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