N11 Translation Service

Providers get to extend their reach, improve customer

satisfaction, cut down on hassle and save time.

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N11 is a real people pleaser

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Iristel’s N11 Translation Service removes the obstacles that Service Providers face in offering their customers N11 access. Providers get to extend their reach, improve customer satisfaction, cut down on hassle and save time while Iristel manages the ins our outs of translation services.

The service works based on rate centre NPA-NXX irrelevant of who owns the number and N11 translations are offered for 211 (Public Info and Referral Services), 311 (Non-Emergency Municipal Govt. Services), 511 (Weather and Traveller Info) and 811 (Non-Urgent Healthcare Telephone Triage) services.

A diagram showing the process of sending a message

Iristel’s extensive N11 Translation Service includes:

  • Receiving calls in 3-digit format and routing them using predefined translation lists. This is managed through Iristel’s Class 4 clusters which translate the request into the number allocated by government for that province, depending on availability in a particular area.

  • Keeping and updating an internal list of N11 dialing code translations whenever a new area is made available. This best effort service uses publicly available information from the CRTC and other regulatory bodies.

  • Managing translations to mandatory CRTC regulated services.

  • Managing the relationship with the authorities for translation updates of the N11 service, ensuring the end-users always have access to new N11 call centers.

  • Wireless Assessment

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